
Submit Your Profile

If you are a qualified divorce professional in South Africa, then you are welcome to submit your profile for inclusion on this website.


Please send the following information to info@socialjustice.co.za

  1. Your profile as you would like it to appear on this website (Please proof read it BEFORE you send it!)
  2. short introductionfor the list pages (max 50 words).
  3. digital photographof yourself, or your company logo. (We will resize and optimize it for the website.)
  4. Your contact details: phone, cell, email, website, Skype (where applicable).
  5. Your social media links(Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, etc.)
  6. The physical address/esof your offices.
  7. Professional Membership Number (where applicable).
  8. Professional Qualifications
  9. The category (or categories) that you wish your profile to appear in (you can select this from the left hand side of the website).


  • 1 category (standard listing): R300 per year. (e.g. Divorce Lawyer in Gauteng)
  • additional categories : R150 per year. (e.g. divorce lawyer in Gauteng AND divorce mediator Gauteng;  OR divorce lawyer in Gauteng AND divorce lawyer in KZN)

You will only be invoiced once your profile appears online, to your satisfaction.

Why join?

  • Your profile is personalised to suit you.
  • You will become more visible on the Internet, and by having back-links to your website / blog / facebook page, etc, you will improve your own Google rankings.
  • You will benefit from an extensive marketing campaign to promote our divorce professionals.
  • The Directory is constantly being developed and expanded to meet the needs of the divorce professionals that it represents.
  • Adding your profile is a worthwhile investment. If you get just one client referred from this website, you will easily have covered your expenses for a year!

About Social Justice

Since 2006, we have a proud track record of assisting more than 10 000 families in resolving family disputes creatively and effectively, without unnecessary intervention through the courts.  We have developed 25 training manuals on various topics relating to Alternative Dispute Resolution and we have trained more than 1000 delegates in Alternative Dispute Resolution skills in family disputes, in both the public and private sectors.

Contact Us

General Enquiries: info@socialjustice.co.za
Landline 021 300 6309
Mediation Services
and Training Enquiries

Tel 064 800 3975
Training and Mediation
Anneke Greyvenstein
Tel 064 800 3975
Training and Mediation
Laurie Greyvenstein
Tel 064 800 3975

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Our Processes

Our forerunners have more than 50 years’ collective experience. Through innovative mechanisms, we empower families to resolve disputes peacefully and finding their own win-win solutions. Together we create lasting solutions to suit the needs of our clients. The processes we utilise are accessible, informal, less stressful and cost-effective.